A Certain Point of View

"Luke, you'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Return of the Jedi

03 August 2005

tales from the office

tough day at work today.

the head office sent us an e-mail looking for certain stats from september '04 to april '05. my boss knew the answer as to why there were no stats so he was the one who replied on our team's behalf - the gay, err.. guy whom i took over the position from forgot to (actually, just plain didn't) mention anything to me last year about one of his old tasks which generated those stats.

it's standard procedure in our office to have at least a week wherein the old jobholder turns over the responsibilities to the next person. he "turned over" everything (or so it seemed) to me after a couple of weeks of teaching me nothing in a grand total of two hours! and that was over a span of three days, mind you.

WOW! how much can you really learn about a new job in two hours, given that it's not even two straight hours? i had to start from scratch and clean up all the mess that was left behind - the latest of which is this.
my boss actually told me to just "swallow the bitter pill" and get over it... i have. and i am over it. a long time ago, too. i just get really pissed when things from the past come back to haunt us.

if you guys are wondering, yes, I AM BADMOUTHING HIM! i don't care, it's my blog anyway :) and gimme a break will you, i had a rough day :)


on the lighter side of things, i talked my sister into donating to the China Bear Rescue on animalsasia.org. we saw one of the commercials on tv and i told her to watch it. i said for her to check out the website and just click around and read. about half an hour later, she IM'ed me asking how to donate. she gave them bear meals good for a week. and it REALLY felt good that she did.

it's almost 2am.

i'm going to bed now...


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