A Certain Point of View

"Luke, you'll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Return of the Jedi

30 July 2005


it's a saturday and i'm in the office doing overtime work.

i'm a bit tired actually. the past week's beat me up pretty good. i could be somewhere else if i chose to as i'm here voluntarily. i could be somewhere with my ethel. i could be at home getting some rest and finally getting to install the new hardware i bought for my pc last month. i could be at the ateneo-up game.

but no!

i'm at the 12th floor of the enterprise center on a saturday afternoon working.

don't get me wrong. i actually like working on saturdays. not that i'm a workaholic or anything. it's just that the atmosphere's more relaxed. no bosses for one thing so i'm less pressured and no "urgent, finish this, i need it now" stuff. PLUS the pay's good! hehehe i actually earned near my entire month's salary in the first 15 days of the month because of overtime. i actually earned more than my month's pay but then the witholding tax kicked in so i didn't count that. it feels good to see the amount on my payslip.

anyway, i'm going back to work now. just needed a break before i resumed.

that's it for now...

26 July 2005

them days

just got back from lunch... it's raining outside and we're just coming off of a 3-day weekend. i wish i just stayed home and slept in.

i don't really feel like going back to my workstation 'cause a lot of paperwork's waiting for me. but i have to.

this sucks!

more later...

24 July 2005

by the bay

just for kicks, ethel and i went to the reclamation area today. there's a place just beyond the church where people can go to which is still unpopulated. i recommend going there if you just wanna relax and feel the breeze.

23 July 2005

g'bye mate!

just got back from third's house. for those of you who don't know, he's my best friend. this is a guy i grew up with and we've been through a lot together. he's practically the brother i never had.

he's leaving for australia tonight to migrate there and be with his wife, itin. it still hasn't sunk in that he's leaving.

it's weird. though we haven't seen each other much in the last few months, i know he's just a phone call or a text message away. though i know this isn't the last time we'll see each other, it's just different knowing he'll be a couple hundred miles away. it's not going to be so easy to meet up for a couple of beers when we feel like it.

though i'm sad that he's going, i'm happy for him 'cause he'll finally be with itin after so many months.

third, i'll miss you dude! take care over there and good luck! i'll see you next year, ok?

'til next time...

21 July 2005

let's get it on!

ok, it's 1:30am and i just finished customizing my blog.

this is officially my first entry.

honestly, i have absolutely no idea why i started one. i mean, i'm not very much into expressing myself with words. don't get me wrong, it's not that i can't - i just choose not to. i
kept a journal once but that's over and done with. i was a writer once but that was back in high school (not to mention a long time ago). nowadays, i'll write when i'm up to it (or when the office requires me to).

but right now, let's see how far this blogging thing will go.

by the way, in case you're wondering what gives about the bear banner, it's from an organization i support which liberates captive and abused bears. i know for a fact that they may be just bears to some people but i think they have a right to live a good life, too. if you want more info, just click on the link :)

that's it for now.

i'm sleepy.

more to come later...