it's been a while since i posted anything in here.
reason being either one or both of the following:
1) i'm too tired
2) i'm too lazy
hehehe, sorry 'bout that.
a lot has happened since i last blogged but here's the major highlight of them all...
yes people, you read that one right! we're engaged!
i'd narrate everything from the beginning of the evening but she beat me too it.
anyway, here's the story of how it went. everything you'll read in there is exactly how events transpired minus all my feelings of anxiety althroughout last night.
here's a picture of the engagement ring by the way. i took it using the camera on my phone so the quality isn't that good.

i'll leave you with another star wars quote:
"you've taken your first step into a larger world"
- obi-wan kenobi, star wars episode iv
cheers y'all!